Moor Mother

Support tbc
  • Tue 29.10
    19:30 - 22:30
    Club Wintercircus, Gent
    Miriam Makebaplein 2

Camae Ayewa aka Moor Mother is a poet, artist, musician and activist operating out of Philadelphia. Her music is an atmospheric patchwork of spoken word, electronics and instrumentation, which Sun Ra enjoys in the afro-futuristic afterlife. Her lyrics are activist and philosophical commentaries on history, consciousness, identity and politics. 

Moor Mother has been active since 2012 and is has recently released her ninth full-length album, 'The Great Bailout'. A record on which she sketches some uncomfortable historical scenes. The title refers to the astronomical amount Britain paid to slave owners in 1835 is compensation of slavery being abolished. A sum that punched such a hole in the British treasury that it wasn't fully paid back until 2015. With tax money, of course.

an atmospheric patchwork of spoken word, electronics and instrumentation

On "The Great Bailout," Moor Mother looks these violent years sraight in the eye. "Research is an important part of my work, and history interests me immensely," Moor Mother explains. "Europe and Africa have built a very intimate and brutal relationship of colonialism and liberation over the past few centuries."