Sun & Sea

Rugilė Barzdžiukaitė, Vaiva Grainytė & Lina Lapelytė

Opera with lots of sand and climate concerns

Using several tons of sand to transform each venue into a lively beach, sunbathing characters offer up a range of seductive harmonies and melodic stories that glide between the mundane, the sinister, and the surreal. From the sprawling narrative of their lives emerges a piercing exploration of climate change, shining light on the complex relationship between people and our planet. The piece is brought to life by 13 vocalists who are surrounded by local community members acting as fellow beach-goers in each city. 

With a bird’s-eye view of the performance from a mezzanine gallery above the stage, audiences look down on the assembled characters who appear as a typical group of vacationers of varying ages, from different walks of life, attired in colourful bathing suits and sunbathing under the full glare of the sun over a mosaic of towels. Surveying this fleshy tableau vivant from their sun-like vantage point, audiences observe the frailty of the human condition. As the libretto unfolds we are introduced to each individual in turn, through sung performances (performed whilst lying down) that reveal private preoccupations, ranging from trivial concerns about sunburn and plans for future vacations to nagging fears of environmental catastrophe, which surface as though from the depths of the characters’ troubled consciousness. Frivolous micro-stories on this crowded beach give way to broader, more serious topics and grow into a global symphony, a universal human choir addressing issues of planetary scale; tired bodies offering a metonym for a tired planet.

Staged on an indoor beach, composed through light, architecture and music, this durational work unfolds on a loop over several hours. The libretto of the piece is set as a mosaic of stories, inner monologues, dreams and thoughts, sung in solos and as a chorus by the beachgoers. This ‘soup’ of stories might sound mundane and carefree; however, in this liturgical, poppy, and synthetic ocean of songs one can feel an impending threat. The picture of enjoyable holidays belies the consequences of this inertia – planetary resources being extracted as if sipping a fizzy Piña Colada.

Like we’re sleepwalking to the end of the world.

Op de voorstelling van 14 juni is er een audiodescriptie voorzien. Maak je daar graag gebruik van? Mail naar 

Concept and development: Rugilė Barzdžiukaitė, Vaiva Grainytė, and Lina Lapelytė - Director and set designer: Rugilė Barzdžiukaitė - Lyrics: Vaiva Grainytė - Composer and music director: Lina Lapelytė - Curator: Lucia Pietroiusti - Tour producer: Caroline Smith - Production manager / Stage manager: Erika Urbelevič - Technical directors: Lique Van Gerven, Dovydas Korba - Libretto translation (from Lithuanian to English): Rimas Užgiris - Sound engineer: Romuald Chaloin Galiauskas - Singing performers: TBC - Performers: TBC - Visual identity: Goda Budvytytė - Produced by: Sun&Sea (Lithuania) - Founding Producer: Neon Realism (Lithuania)