Die Verdammte Spielerei

Sax, Drugs & Marsmuziek
  • Fri 06.06
    20:00 - 21:20
    De Vooruit, Gent

It's time… time to rise up and march into battle.
To battle against boredom, against pessimism, against dullness, against sorrow—for love, for peace, for society!

The six white (insignificant?) men of Die Verdammte Spielerei lead the way, a close-knit gang full of friendship, music, and love—each with their own strength and instrument. In their new show, "Sax, Drugs & Marching Music," solutions rain down for all of life’s little troubles. (Problems at work, in traffic, in the bedroom, with your neighbor?)

Saxophones have always been the introduction to the most heroic bedroom scenes in world history.

Just imagine: The six Adonises of Die Spielerei, their bronzed, oiled-up torsos, marching onto the stage with their hair flowing in the wind, offering you the rush of a lifetime. Eat this, Chippendales! This is our time!

Join us for this 80-minute trip—a hallucinogenic experience that will leave you walking out a changed person.

Organisatie: COMEDYSHOWS.be