Word Of Mouth

In November, Ghent will transform into the vibrant heart of poetry and performance during the very first VIERNULVIER spoken word festival Word Of Mouth

From 4 to 10 November, we invite you to a week full of events, performances , conversations and encounters all revolving around the art of spoken word.

Over the past two years, we have organised several activities and researches around spoken word. The result of this journey culminates with this festival, where both local heroes and international luminaries make their appearance. And we introduce brand new collaborations within the spoken word scene!

The programme is a mix of intimate readings for select audiences, large-scale shows and premieres with musical performances. This makes spoken word an integral part of VIERNULVIER's artistic identity, thanks in part to the genre's growing popularity in Belgium over the past decade.

Word Of Mouth is about direct contact, about the connection between people who understand and know each other. Thus, we look back to the origins of spoken word, where community and connection are central. The stage, once small and intimate, has grown and changed, and this festival captures exactly that evolution.

Indulge in inspiring talks, dynamic shows and compelling concerts. A festival that inspires, connects and touches you. Where words live and communities come together.

Already on the programme

Translated with DeepL.com (free version)

Events in this theme

  • Derek Otte

    Tijd Over
    06.11 20:00 - 21:20
    Triomfantelijke metaforen en knap in elkaar geregen woordkunst
    Minardschouwburg, Gent
    Romain Deconinckplein 2
    Wed 06.11
    20:00 - 21:20
  • Strijd der Titanen

    met Esohe Weyden, Hind Eljadid, Martijn Bekvegter,...
    09.11 17:00 - 19:00
    Epic clash of Belgian spoken word artists
    Minardschouwburg, Gent
    Romain Deconinckplein 2
    Sat 09.11
    17:00 - 19:00