Het Bureau van Voorspellende Dromen

Peter Aers zoekt dromen die een toekomstige gebeurtenis voorspellen of aankondigen.

Have you ever had a dream that announced a future event? Or do you have multiple dreams that you feel will become reality, whether positive or negative? Are you willing to share them? Then contact the Bureau of Predictive Dreams.

The dreams collected by the Bureau are part of the artist project Social Dreaming. Every dream that reaches us will receive the necessary attention and will be treated anonymously and with the necessary respect.

You can share your dream in the following ways:

via voice message: record your message via Whatsapp or Signal at the following number +32 479 285 799


come on Fridays between 10:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. to the office near WEBA and DECATHLON to share your dream over a cup of coffee, tea, or soup.

Rigakaai 1, 9000 Ghent

If you prefer to come on a different day to the Bureau of Predictive Dreams, you can request an appointment via dream@everythingdepends.be. You can also send a letter or drawing to the following postal address:

The Bureau of Predictive Dreams Frans Uyttenhovestraat 51 9040, GENT

For more information or to get in touch, you can also send an email to dream@everythingdepends.be.

The Bureau of Predictive Dreams was opened by theater maker Peter Aers, inspired by research from the 1960s and 1970s*. He's interested in predictive dreams manifesting in the 21st century. The dreams collected are part of the Social Dreaming artist project, resulting in a book and theater production in 2025.

Social Dreaming is an artistic work supported by the Flemish Community, Kunstencentrum VIERNULVIER, BUDA, and Workspacebrussels.

*The British Premonitions Bureau was founded in 1966 by psychiatrist John Barker after the Aberfan mine disaster. Reports of predictive dreams about the disaster motivated Barker to establish the bureau in hopes of predicting and preventing future tragedies.