Mette Ingvartsen
Fri 31.0120:00 - 21:00Minardschouwburg, GentRomain Deconinckplein 2
Sat 01.0220:00 - 21:00Minardschouwburg, GentRomain Deconinckplein 2
"The creations I have made with Mette Ingvartsen all have something very concrete, anchored in the here and now, but there is also a strong thread of fiction running through them. It's always as much about what we do as about what we imagine while performing. It's like creating a continuum between fiction, imagination, and reality." — Manon Santkin
"A journey not only about memories of past performances but mainly about physical imagination" — Pzazz
Concept and choreography: Mette Ingvartsen - With: Manon Santkin - Choreographic assistant: Thomas Bîrzan - Technical direction and lighting design: Hans Meijer - Sound technician and sound design: Milan Van Doren - Technician: Jan-Simon De Lille - Music: Will Guthrie, Peter Lenaerts, Gregorio Allegri, Gene Krupa and Buddy Rich, Benny Goodman - Management: Ruth Collier - Production and administration: Joey Ng - Communication: Jeroen Goffings - Production: Great Investment vzw - Co-production: STUK co-financed by the Creative Europe programme of the European Union in the frame of DANCE ON PASS ON DREAM ON, VIERNULVIER, Festival Montpellier Danse 2024, Tanzquartier Wien, Charleroi danse centre chorégraphique de Wallonie – Bruxelles, SPRING, CND Centre national de la danse, Perpodium - Great Investment is supported by The Flemish Authorities, Tax Shelter of the Belgian Federal Government, The
Danish Arts Council & The Flemish Community Commission (VGC)