Robrecht Vanden Thoren

Het Derde Oog
  • Fri 31.01
    20:00 - 21:30
    De Vooruit, Gent
    Past event

Sound support

Sennheiser's Mobile Connect system allows you to amplify the performance audio yourself via your smartphone or hearing aid by scanning a QR code at the entrance.

Robrecht suddenly shouts at someone in the supermarket for no apparent reason. He’s shocked. This is not who he is. Panicked, he rushes to the annual family gathering. When he arrives, he can barely suppress a panic attack. What is happening to him?

A recent event has completely upheaved Robrecht’s life, forcing him to look inward. He feels miles away from everyone. In search of solid ground, Robrecht digs into his past.

“Wat het publiek doet? Lachen! Huilen. Schateren! Slikken. En dan: applaus!”

Knack Focus – Els Van Steenberghe

Regie: Martijn Bouwman - Organisatie: