Jan Van Looveren
Thu 20.0219:30 - 21:15De Vooruit, GentTHEATERZAAL
Sound support
Sennheiser's Mobile Connect system allows you to amplify the performance audio yourself via your smartphone or hearing aid by scanning a QR code at the entrance.
In a world driven by wild technological advancements, massive mass production, and overwhelming information, it feels like everything is accelerating, and we're losing sight of what's essential. Can we just hit pause? Or will we have to reset everything before a new big bang decides that for us?
Vanwaar we komen (Where We Come From) is a search for answers we may never have, but Jan is more than happy to make them up for us. In his new comedy show, Jan reflects on where we've come from through the eyes of a boomer, while also contemplating where we're headed.
organisatie: LiveComedy.be