Hugo Matthysen, Aram Van Ballaert en Ronny Mosuse
Fri 21.0220:00 - 21:45De Vooruit, GentTHEATERZAAL
In the successful theater tour HURORAM!, Hugo Matthysen, Aram Van Ballaert, and Ronny Mosuse almost gave their best performance. But that’s being saved for a second tour, which will be unleashed on the world under the title BIMDEK.
What does Bimdek mean? Googling doesn’t provide much clarity. The most accurate description is: Bimdek is a word from a language that consists of only one word, which is the word Bimdek. It can be translated as "Theater tour by Matthysen, Mosuse, and Van Ballaert."
What can we expect? They’ll once again dig deep into Hugo’s rich repertoire, with new songs as well, including a song in the language from which the word Bimdek originates. In between, expect some meaningful nonsense, so that deep emotion can occasionally give way to cheerful bewilderment, ensuring the mental balance of the audience is properly maintained.
About the creators: Aram Van Ballaert and Ronny Mosuse are two musical stars, and Hugo Matthysen does his best with his seasoned touch.