met Jos D'Haese (PVDA) & Gwendolyn Rutten (Open VLD)
  • Tue 01.04
    19:30 - 21:00
    De Vooruit, Gent

Sound support

Sennheiser's Mobile Connect system allows you to amplify the performance audio yourself via your smartphone or hearing aid by scanning a QR code at the entrance.

How do we as a society deal with burning issues such as class justice, the future of democracy, woke and cancel culture, toxic leadership,...? The media often seeks quick and polarising answers. In THE ARENA, we make space for nuanced and in-depth conversations and also let the audience have their say.

International criminal lawyer Walter Van Steenbrugge and entrepreneur Yasmien Naciri take us into the fascinating world of justice. They invite two guests each time. Together, they share insights, offer perspectives and reflect on current affairs.

The discussions are moderated by Lisbeth Imbo, and the audience is invited to judge.

Welcome to THE ARENA!

THE ARENA is a relaxed performance. This means that the hall lights are not completely extinguished, people are free to enter and exit the hall, and the audience can and does make noise and movement.