Carolina Mendonça
Wed 19.0220:00 - 21:00Minardschouwburg, GentRomain Deconinckplein 2
Thu 20.0220:00 - 21:00Ticketbuyers receive an email with more infoMinardschouwburg, GentRomain Deconinckplein 2
"Carolina Mendonça is a dramaturg of what cannot be seen and what can hardly be named. A movement of energies through choreographic operations that move circumstances, ghosts, conditions, shadows and decibels. These and other magics bring a new sense of the choreographic, they push and move immaterialities of the body: a choreography of becoming."
Direction, text & performance: Carolina Mendonça – Performance & collaboration: Lara Ferrari – Dramaturgy: Carolina Bianchi & Joshua Wicke – Sound design: Miguel Caldas – Lighting design: Laura Salerno & Leticia Scrycky – Costume design: Miguel Peñaranda Olmeda & Stefania Assandri – Supported by: radical hope, hot bodies studio, wpZimmer, workspacebrussels, Fonds Darstellende Künste in the frame of the programme NEUSTART KULTUR #TakeHeart Residenzförderung, and El Caldo by Gessenerallee.