For the month of July the soup recipe for In the soep will be prepared by artist and researcher Fiona Hallinan. Fiona is interested in themes of hospitality, thresholds, care and critical pedagogy, and often works with food as part of her practice. The perfect person for some highly original soup recipes!
Hallinan is an artist and researcher currently pursuing a PhD at LUCA School of Art, KU Leuven. In her project The Department of Ultimology, she explores the coming-into-being of ‘ultimology’, the study of that which is dead or dying (death here encompassing both the end of life and the passing into irrelevance, redundancy or extinction of material and immaterial entities), as a tool for transformative discourse.
Soeprecept #3 - Geroosterde rodeparika tomaat en kokossoep
Voor de tweede In de soep maken we een eenvoudige geroosterde paprikasoep met tomaat en kokos die kalmerend werkt en energie geeft. Njam!
Soup recipe #1 - Cold Beetroot Soup
Try and taste this delicious Cold Beetroot Soup, and find out which toppings you like (crunchy, umami and much more). Bon appétit!