From Past to Future: A New Makeover for De Vooruit

Matthias Belpaire, coordinator of Infrastructure & Monument © Jantien Vermeiren

Built entirely in 1913 against the backdrop of the rise of socialism in the early 20th century, De Vooruit stands as an Art Nouveau gem, erected in an eclectic style and one of the most important monuments in Ghent, and indeed, in Flanders. Over nearly 70 years, the building experienced periods of glory interspersed with years of decline. It underwent numerous renovations, and that is not about to change anytime soon. Soon, a new period of renovation and restoration will begin. From August 2024 to December 2025, De Vooruit will once again be under construction. Matthias Belpaire, coordinator of Infrastructure & Monument at VIERNULVIER, elaborates on the plans.

What exactly will happen?

It will be a transformation that restores the building to its glory of 100 years ago and also improves the visitor experience. We can speak of two aspects: a restoration to return the monument to its original state and a renovation to enhance the building's functionality.

We will restore various heritage elements such as historical interior doors, exterior joinery, herringbone parquet, and more. Marble, stained glass, and decorative elements in the building will also be restored to their former glory, as will the zinc roofs that have deteriorated over time.

Functionality will be updated for today: think of a new elevator, better sanitary facilities, higher stair railings, and modern ventilation.

What inconvenience can our visitors expect?

Even though we try to limit the inconvenience, the impact of the works will be visible and tangible to the public. The entire front facade will be scaffolded. The Ballroom, Domzaal, and several studios will not be usable for a long time. The current entrance area will be closed, and the Ticket Office will be relocated to the Candy Store (next to Music Mania). Also, the café will be closed for 3 weeks in August.

Why are these adjustments necessary now? Hasn't there been a lot of renovation in the past?

Such a restoration was done in the 1990s, but it is necessary again. This renovation is crucial to prevent further decay and to ensure the safety of both staff and visitors. Additionally, we are also focusing on making the building more accessible. You could see it as an investment in the future: a preventive step to avoid future, higher costs and to improve the building for our audience.

What improvements can the public expect concretely?

There will be a new elevator in the Ticket Office to replace the older two elevators. There will be better ventilation, providing more comfort to the public. And importantly, the building will be more environmentally friendly due to the new ventilation systems, as well as the replacement of old lighting with LED lighting and smarter use of residual heat from our high-voltage cabin for hot water in the building.

What is the timeline?

We will start in August 2023. If all goes according to plan, we can finish by December 2025.

What are you personally most looking forward to?

Bringing daylight into the Domzaal. I am also particularly looking forward to the new elevator. I believe that this intervention will make a world of difference in how you experience the building.

Supported by the Department of Culture, Youth, and Media, the Agency for Real Estate Heritage, and the City of Ghent.