(c) Michiel Devijver


Think is a critical forum for artistic and civic commentary with a direct link to the city. To date, the Think programme has included political debates, discursive events surrounding the arts programme, and platforms for reflection and critical enquiry. In recent times it has also sought to create reflective and critical space around the City Residents programme of artists who are engaged in the creation of new work. Some Think events are intimate and informal. Some are expansive and offer a platform for social, political and cultural debate at a local, regional and national level.

As the artistic direction of Vooruit evolves to find clarity in distinctive programme threads, it aims to create emphasis in a number of focus programmes and festivals throughout the year with clear conceptual frames related to the roots of Vooruit as a place of social and political action. Likewise, Think must continue to evolve and sharpen its focus and connection to the artistic programme and the wider frame of civic life in Ghent.

Think events have always been rooted in partnerships with other organisations, both social and artistic, and media partners. Next season and beyond we carry that energy of partnership and collaboration forward, while also creating greater focus on our artistic programme.

Working with an editorial team of artists, thinkers, critics, academics and members of our audience, we present a variety of new formats for you to engage with this year, including Six Impossible Things Before Breakfast, Today Tonight, We Own It!, Outspoken! and much more.