Alice Ripoll - Zona Franca © Renato Mangolin

Art Happens

Since September 2018, ART HAPPENS has been collaborating with VIERNULVIER in Ghent. In this partnership, ART HAPPENS supports VIERNULVIER by connecting international performing arts professionals with its program. 
Be sure to check their newsletter for the latest updates on VIERNULVIER’s projects.

There’s also a strong artistic collaboration between ART HAPPENS and VIERNULVIER, with regular sharing of information about the artists we work with. This collaboration strengthens our partnership and allows us to better support both ART HAPPENS and VIERNULVIER.

Founded in 2008 by Sarah De Ganck and based in Ghent, ART HAPPENS is an international management agency driven by a deep admiration for the work of specific artists. ART HAPPENS focuses on building sustainable partnerships with arts institutions worldwide and specializes in organizing national and international tours for performance, dance and theater productions.

 You want to know more? Check their website