Your Health is your Wealth?!
— Sinéad O’Connor
We all just want to be healthy, right?
Have we ever thought about why?
From 6 to 15 March, we will organise the very last edition of the Women and Children First festival. This time we will focus on the theme of ‘health’. 'Good' health markers are increasingly used as indicators of success and of virtue in our society. Messaging from governments and industry lets citizens know that the unhealthy amongst us might be creating a burden we all feel in our pockets. In this edition of Women and Children First Festival we will explore health as a moral value system.
Is my health your business? Is our individual good health an obligation to a well functioning society? And what is ‘good’ health anyway?
This edition of WOMEN & CHILDREN FIRST provocatively imagines health as a social construct. Our programme platforms the work of artists either living outside or questioning the notion of health as virtue and ill health as moral failure.
From the experience of fat people for whom society sees value only in their erasure, to the social stigma surrounding certain illnesses correlated to ‘lifestyle’, to the silence surrounding long-term physical and mental illness and disability, WOMEN & CHILDREN FIRST will spotlight the intersection of stigma and conversations around health. This programme will offer a space of respite for the ill, the exhausted and the unhealthy as well as for curious people trying to ‘live healthy’ and maybe failing from time to time.
"As a fat person, I often see bodies that look like mine represented as a message of caution, a literal health warning. With this programme we flip the script and reverse the mirror. If you are interested to know what it might feel like on the other side, this festival offers a glimpse."
— Artistiek coördinator en programmator van het festival Róise Goan
Six Impossible Things before Breakfast
Zet je wekker voor een goed gesprek06.03Enjoy coffee and breakfast while absorbing creative insights through film, poetry, and discussions. This edition features Irish journalist Una Mullally. Moderator Róise Goan leads the talk.
06.03 08:30 - 10:00Tickets
06.03 08:30 - 10:00Tickets
Dead Centre
Illness as Metaphor - adapted from the book by Susan SontagOntmasker de taal van ziekte06.03and07.03In her 1978 book Illness as Metaphor, Susan Sontag sets out to diagnose the problem with the way we think about illness. Her discovery was not to focus on sickness itself, but the language surrounding disease - language that can, in her view, quite literally kill.
Working with six participants living with long-term illness, Dead Centre adapt this groundbreaking text for the theatre, which is itself a metaphoric space. So, if all the world’s a stage, how can theatre deal with reality?
Perhaps, through inviting in some real people, theatre can be re-invented as a place where we might live, and die, without metaphor.
After all, the one thing you can’t do on stage is pretend your body isn’t there.
Ray Young
OUTDisco, appelsienen en activisme07.03and08.03OUT is an interdisciplinary performance created by performance maker Ray Young with dance artist Dwayne Antony, now performed by Azara Meghie and Bambi Jordan Philips.
Inspired by personal experiences and ongoing global struggles for LGBTQIA+ rights, OUT combines live art practice with elements of Dancehall and Voguing, presenting a defiant challenge to homophobia and transphobia. Bravely embracing personal, political, and cultural dissonance, OUT carves out a new space to reimagine, reclaim, and celebrate aspects of Caribbean culture from a queer perspective.
Castillo, Fefa Vila, Javier Sáez, Marnie Slater, and Roberto Tovar
Such Loud and Obvious UngovernabilityProject X in het nonnenklooster08.03Queer projects are a work of joy yet strenuous to sustain in time. Last September at VIERNULVIER, “Aids, archives, and arts assemblies in Belgium” were dissolving when asking: What do we do when our projects end? Half a year later, Castillo, Fefa Vila, Javier Sáez, Marnie Slater, and Roberto Tovar put on a rehearsed reading of Entre tinieblas (Dark Habits), a 1983 film directed by Manchego filmmaker Pedro Almodóvar. In the reading, actors play by reading rather than having learnt the words, and use minimal staging. The film narrates the disbanding of a convent of five nuns in Madrid, practicing community health when hosting a singer after she witnesses an overdose death, and meeting each other in each one’s own terms, in a labyrinth of lesbian desires. The five actors host assemblies in the crossroads of arts making and queer community health organizing. For some, this includes “Aids, archives, and arts assemblies in Belgium.”
08.03 11:00 - 12:30Tickets
08.03 11:00 - 12:30Tickets
Josefien Cornette & BEBE BOOKS
Disability/Sick Tarot Deck08.03The Disability/Sick Tarot questions our personal relationship with health, sickness and disability through the format of a tarot deck. How do we love ourselves and take care of ourselves through spirituality? What does healing mean outside the rooms of a hospital? What collective memories do we cherish as unruly and/or sick bodies? Who’s our Emperor? What crip-knowledge lies underneath the Sun?
08.03 14:00 - 18:00free
08.03 14:00 - 18:00free
Jeanie Finlay
Your Fat Friend08.03Made over 6 years, director Jeanie Finlay charts the rise of writer and activist Aubrey Gordon from anonymous blogger “Your Fat Friend” to NYTimes best selling author and beloved podcaster.
Her searingly honest writing describes what it’s like to be that fat person on the plane..
… and how the fantasies, peddled by a diet and wellness industry worth $26 billion a year are on a par with the lies that Big Tobacco told the public in the 1950s. (95% of diets fail for lasting weight loss). And how the biggest threat to fat people’s health might just be the bias that some many health care providers hold for fat people.
…and about her own fractured relationship to her body.
She spent a decade campaigning for LGBTQIA rights so she knows that change is possible. Now it's time to advocate for herself.
This isn’t about “body positivity” co-opted by brands to sell fat-kinis to size 16 women. Her aim? A paradigm shift in the way we see fat people and the fat on our own bodies. It has brought her an insatiable worldwide audience and threats to her life.
The most meaningful personal change is when her family start listening to her message.
YOUR FAT FRIEND, a film about fatness, family, the complexities of making change and the deep, messy feelings we hold about our bodies.
08.03 20:00 - 21:30Tickets
08.03 20:00 - 21:30Tickets
Studium Generale: Louise Souvagie
Fatness + fitness?11.03In the summer of 2024, writer Louise Souvagie undertook a Six Week Crossfit Challenge. It served as a prompt to reflect on concepts like self-determination, heteronormativity in fitness culture, and the inherent rebellion of the fat body. For isn't being fat and staying fat an act of resistance in a world that tells us we have control over our weight?
Fitness is steeped in the idea that we are in a constant battle with our own bodies. When you succeed, you prove your success with a before-and-after photo. But what if you live in a body that rejects a timeline from point A to point B? Then you quickly fall into a category of people who, for various reasons, fight for inclusion, such as the queer community. Unexpectedly, down-ups and deadlifts lead to an affinity between queerness and the fat body.
After the lecture, Louise Souvagie will engage in a conversation with activist Philsan Osman. This event is part of the Women And Children First festival and is a collaboration between Studium Generale and VIERNULVIER.
11.03 19:30 - 21:30Tickets
11.03 19:30 - 21:30Tickets
Sofie Hagen
Fat JokesBig jokes and fat punchlines12.03Edinburgh Comedy award-winner Sofie Hagen presents ‘Fat Jokes’. A show bursting with big jokes and fat punchlines. Sofie returns to her craft of devastatingly brilliant joke-writing and storytelling and has created this collection of fat jokes and unforgettable moments that you can laugh at without feeling like sh*t.
Come as you are and enjoy an actual fat person at the top of her game.
12.03 19:30 - 20:30Tickets
12.03 19:30 - 20:30Tickets
Studium Generale: Sabrina Strings
Fatphobia as Misogynoir: Gender, Race and Weight StigmaOnze collectieve Fat Phobia in feiten13.03In the West, we commonly believe that the aversion to fatness is rooted in medical concerns, especially given the purported “obesity epidemic.” However, studies have shown that the aversion to fat bodies in the West precedes medical warnings about any presumed relationship between size and health. Further, research has long established that group most likely to be denigrated for being fat is Black women. In this presentation, Sabrina Strings will show that contrary to popular beliefs, fatphobia is not rooted in health concerns. Rather, it arose as a mechanism to justify the booming enterprise of slavery through the degradation of Black people, and Black women in particular, as unrestrained in their “animal appetites.” Moreover, when the medical establishment elected to take up questions regarding the relationship between fat and health in the 20th century, physicians chose BMI as its proxy, a tool mired in colorblind racism.
13.03 19:30 - 21:30Tickets
13.03 19:30 - 21:30Tickets
Chiara Bersani
SottoboscoBoswandeling met mensen met een beperking13.03and14.03Italian choreographer Chiara Bersani and her performers invite you into the undergrowth of an imaginary forest. Are they lost or has someone left them behind? Or did the forest grow up around them one day? In this mysterious habitat they move in tandem with the light and the sound: unpredictable, trembling and fluid. How does a body that cannot walk dance?
For her new creation Sottobosco, Bersani organises workshops for people with a physical disability. At each playground, she and a group of local performers investigate how their bodies can coexist in and with nature. A new step in Bersani’s artistic exploration of the politics of the body.
Sarah Vanhee
Dienst Woorden / Words ServiceVoor alle woorden die je niet vindt, dan wel verloren bent14.03Words service is staffed by artist Sarah Vanhee, together with other words providers. With this work, Vanhee elaborates on her practice of active and deep listening, central to her oeuvre. words service offers attention and humanity in a hectic society, and is an ethical, aesthetic and symbolic alternative to the far-reaching digitalisation and robotisation of our language, communication and services.
14.03 19:00 - 20:00Tickets
14.03 19:00 - 20:00Tickets
De darm als afspiegeling van de maatschappij15.03Naar je lichaam luisteren, dat vinden we allemaal belangrijk. Maar heb je al eens naar je darmen geluisterd? Volgens Dani Bershan en diens crew zitten daar antwoorden over vragen waar we allemaal op zitten te kauwen. Over de eco-bio-psycho-sociale crisis, bijvoorbeeld.
De tentoonstelling GUT MATTERS (te zien in Kunsthal Gent) brengt de kernelementen van een vijf jaar durend onderzoek van kunstenaar Dani Bershan samen. De tentoonstelling omvat een installatie, een geluidswerk en een immersieve performatieve sculptuur. De sculptuur wordt tot leven gebracht door drie performers (Sara Leghissa, Roni Katz en Nattan Dobkin) en wordt tijdens de tentoonstelling zes keer geactiveerd. Daarnaast is er ook een publicatie, een reading group, een symposium en publieke gesprekken.
Grote woorden met veel liggende streepjes, en toch zit er een heel eenvoudige logica in dit denken. Onze spijsvertering breekt massa af tot energie en houdt zo een heel weefsel in stand. Allemaal kleine ecosysteempjes die samen dan weer een groot geheel vormen. Dat hele proces van omzetten is ons metabolisme. En dat metabolisme is volgens Bershan een grote spiegel voor hoe we leven, laten leven, liefhebben en liever niet hebben. Anders gezegd: stilstaan bij je darmen is stilstaan bij het feit dat jij maar één klein organiseme bent in een grote machine. Nog anders gezegd: denken aan je darmen, is denken aan hoe bescheiden we eigenlijk zouden moeten zijn. Grote kans dat je het zo nog niet had bekeken.
In the mood for plenty of WOMEN AND CHILDREN FIRST? Grab a festival pass for €60! It gives you access to all (yes, all!) activities in the program. Purchase your pass online, then pick it up at the VIERNULVIER Ticket Desk or the evening box office at one of the locations.
WOMEN & CHILDREN FIRST takes place at various locations.
At VIERNULVIER - find all information about accessibility, seat widths, step-free access, and more on our accessibility page.
At CAMPO - find all information at campo.nu
At Minard - find all information at minard.be (in Dutch only)
At Kunsthal Gent - find all information at kunsthal.gent
Michael Hobbes - 'Everything you know about obesity is wrong' in Huffington Post
Maintenance Phase - a podcast by Aubrey Gordon and Michael Hobbes:
Podcast episode of This American Life - tell me I'm fat