Anoek Nuyens (1984) is theatre-maker (of: dramatist?) and writer. She is affiliated with (of: attached to) the Frascati Theatre, where her solo performance Hulp premiered in 2015. Hulp is still touring, both nationally and internationally, both in and outside of theatres: from GroenLinks to Unilever, from the Oxfam shop to the church. As a freelance correspondent she is connected to De Correspondent, where she and Lynn Berger wrote a series of articles on state secrets and where she received a nomination for the Flemish-Dutch journalists’ award De Loep. Last year she completed a new series called Het Einde van de Mens als de Maat der Dingen (The End of Man as the Measurement of All Things). Her essay Westen, wake up! (West, wake up!) was proclaimed the best theatre essay of 2013 and awarded the Marie-Kleine Gartman pen.

From 2014 to 2017 she curated the programme Nieuwe Grond (Dutch Theatre Festival). Last season she toured with her new production Tenzij je een beter plan hebt (Unless you have a better plan), in collaboration with Rebekka de Wit. 

At the moment she is working on Monoloog voor een consument (Monologue for a consumer), in collaboration with Rebekka de Wit. A new short performance which we will be showing in June is part of a larger series of performances called Mocktrials (in collaboration with Milieudefensie).