Voedsel als koopwaar & commons


Including among others, Tomaso Ferrando (Univ. Antwerp) and Elise Van Broeckhoven (Grondig Harvest Farm)
SAT 09.03 | 12:30 - 14:00
De Vooruit - Domzaal

With Tomaso Ferrando (Univ. Antwerpen), Elise Van Broeckhoven (plukboerderij Grondig), Petra Tas  (De Landgenoten), Koen Wynants (Commons Lab)

In the dominant food system, food is primarily treated as a commodity, and its value is determined by its price. However, this system fails: many people still suffer from hunger, while other groups are mainly offered unhealthy food.

What if we consider food as a common good, a "common," where we collectively take care of it? And what is the role of the government in ensuring a healthy food supply as a universal basic provision, thereby restoring the livability of the planet?

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